The Ways on How to Cook Frozen Shrimp Easily
Shrimp becomes high protein seafood. The flesh tastes so salty and sweet when it is cooked and consumed freshly. You can cook it into some delicious foods. You can buy frozen shrimp in the grocery store that you can cook someday when you want to cook it. The ways on how to cook frozen shrimp tend to be different from fresh shrimp.
The Ways on How to Cook Frozen Shrimp
Frozen shrimp is surely comfortable to cook. However, it can be difficult to cook if you don’t follow the simple instructions in cooking it. You should learn how to cook frozen food to smell well and taste good.
1. Peeling It Carefully
You know that frozen shrimp requires letting it sit for a while. You must peel it and remove the bones. Make sure that you remove it carefully before you use it for cooking.
2. Preparing Frozen Shrimp
Cooking frozen food is easy and comfortable. When you are ready, you can use your favorite frozen shrimp recipe. You may add the cooked shrimp into rice, salad, or pasta. Firstly, you must prepare frozen shrimp by putting it into the bowl with some seasonings. You just let it into the bowl before cooking it. Make sure that it has been peeled well.
3. Melting It
When you want to cook frozen shrimp, you must melt it. There will be two ways of melting the frozen shrimps. You can put it into the refrigerator for two days before cooking it to melt with chilled water. If you want to melt it with chilled water, you should store it in a package and put it into the bowl. Put a bowl in a washbasin and pour it with the chilled water. The shrimp package must rinse into water. You must change the water for 30 minutes until the shrimps are melting. The shrimps will easily bend when it is melting. A small shrimp package can be melted in less than one hour. The melted shrimp must be cooked sooner.
4. Drying It
The next way on how to cook frozen shrimp is by drying it well. You can melt it into the filter and let the water drop. You may also put it on the towel to absorb the water. It is a basic way before cooking this frozen shrimp.
5. Cooking Frozen Shrimp
It is time to cook the frozen shrimp. You can preheat a pan with two tablespoons of olive oil with a high flame. You can wait for the oil to heat up and put in frozen shrimps. The shrimps require time for three to four minutes to cook. You must stir the shrimp well while cooking it. When you cook it, you must use a big pan to cook all the shrimp in one line. If you need to use a small pan, you need to divide the shrimps into some cooking periods.
6. Checking the Cooking Levels
The shrimps must be cooked well until the flesh turns white and dull. When the shrimps reach this spot, you must get out from the pan and serve it well. You need to cook the shrimp on a big flame until it looks so juicy. You should let the shrimps on the pan for a minute if you want to get a good cooking level. When you have juicy shrimp, you can store it in a pan. If you make a shrimp recipe and require liquid, you can use shrimp broth to make delicious sauce or liquid for your recipe.
Cooking frozen shrimps becomes the most favorite one because small shrimps are easy to cook. However, frozen shrimps require a longer time to cook than when you melt them. You can take it directly from the freezer to the pan. You can make it quickly and easily.
Nutritional Contents of Frozen Shrimps
According to USDA, 4 ounces or 112 grams of frozen shrimps contain 79.5 calories and 18 grams of protein. Less than 1 gram of fat is 140 milligrams of cholesterol. Shrimp is a protein source without fats. It recommends being more careful when you buy frozen shrimps. You must prevent opened or destroyed packages. You must avoid a package containing ice crystals or frozen steams. You shouldn’t buy any frozen shrimp packages if the shrimps are sticky.
Recipe of Frozen Shrimp
If you love shrimp and want to prepare it for your meal, you can cook a frozen shrimp recipe. You can cook shrimp Ekkado. You can store it in the freezer after cooking it. The Ekkado can be made of frozen shrimps. You just combine it with chicken fillet to make it. Then, you can make shrimp salad. This recipe is ready to eat after you cook it. If you dislike it, you can make a fried rice recipe with frozen shrimp. There will be some alternatives to cooking with the frozen shrimp. Before you cook it, you must apply those ways on how to cook frozen shrimp.